Les organismes et entreprises signataires de la Déclaration

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Consultez la liste complète des 306 signataires

OrganismeSpinologics Inc.
NomHachem Bahe
Titre ou fonctionEmbedded Biomechanical Simulations R&D Manager
Type d'organismePrivate Sector
Mission de l'organisme

Numalogics, a subsidiary of Spinologics Inc, is composed of clinical experts, biomedical, and simulation engineers. Our team is developing a virtual biomechanical human named NUMA to test medical devices and their interactions with the body. We aim at accelerating the next generation of patient-specific medical devices for an improved quality and safety of patient care.

Adresse6750 Avenue de l’Esplanade #290
Montreal, Quebec H2V 1A2
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