Les organismes et entreprises signataires de la Déclaration
Merci de votre engagement envers un développement responsable de l'IA.
Consultez la liste complète des 306 signataires
Organisme | Ethics Practitioners' Association of Canada |
Nom | Ervine Craig |
Titre ou fonction | Chair of the Board of Directors |
Type d'organisme | Non profit organization |
Mission de l'organisme | The Ethics Practitioners Association of Canada (EPAC) was founded in 1994. EPAC promotes ethical knowledge wisdom and competency in Canadian organizations and functions as a community of interest and a community of practice of individuals interested in organizational ethics. EPAC envisions a world where people in organizations are ethically aware and act ethically. |
Adresse | 485 Laperriere Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7S8 Canada Placer sur la carte |